I can’t post a album without it getting removed I code it or don’t name it at all it don’t work

I can’t post a album without it getting removed I code it or don’t name it at all it don’t work #s86MYIJ1


Stranger123456 Mine already give warning and they will delete my account soon
DonFreakyXxx OP Oh damn I ain’t get that type of warning , I like this website you really find anything on here
Stranger123456 Yup but the problem is this website too sensitive. They keep remove our photo video many time until they give us warning and threatening to delete account. This website is fun but it just that the admin too strict here
DonFreakyXxx OP Yes you can find any chicks content on here save us a lot of money lol and Is it the website site or could it be someone reporting it? Cuz I have one album on lock in it’s been up for the longest
Stranger123456 I'm not sure bro. Mine the admin say my video most of it are young girl. They look young but doesn't mean they underage. Even I try to be careful upload photo/video. If you upload long time ago but than last minute remove, confirm got someone report
HunterPorn Eles deletaram videos do meu perfil por direitos autorais, os mesmos videos estao no site com nome diferente. ja disse e repito; moderadores inuteis e burros
HunterPorn Fazem por denuncia ou perseguiçao. exclui um perfil com mais de 10k de seguidores e 30 milhoes de vizualiçoes por perseguiçao de um moderador. tirei print da ameaça que ele deixou em um video meu e enviei pro adm. ficou do jeito que estava
HunterPorn Deletavam uns 5 videos meu por dia, tenho salva os prints ate hoje ....
HunterPorn olhe o que postei ai https://www.erome.com/a/L0DSmzuB
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