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Cd_Rabbit OP Following will make me more motivated !
femmerboi for what? you dont do anything
cuntbucket Don't listen to this guy @op . Great post, ty
femmerboi ...what? but seriously, all they do is repost stuff that isnt theirs, thats not something you should be encouraging!
cuntbucket Why are you even here? With an account? If you don't appreciate, leave. And certainly don't comment
femmerboi you obviously dont appreciate anything on this site, especially when you dont even bother to read my reply at all. nobody cares what you believe, in a concept of morals, both you and this account is wrong.
cuntbucket Nobody owns anything on this website, you melon. Get in the bin
femmerboi So what? just because everyone else does it doesnt mean its ok!
cuntbucket It's what the whole site is built on, if you have a problem with it, why are you here, with a username, making comments? Pure hypocrisy.
femmerboi do you... like, proofread your replies? you really should. So you are saying, that just because its on this site, that its ok? alright, let me give an example; there are thousands of sites based purely upon pedophilia, does that make it ok?
cuntbucket I haven't given my opinion on whether it's ok or not, but nice try with the whataboutism. Sorry I didn't realise you were slow. The fact is, it exists and it's here and you are buying fully into it by virtue of the fact that you have an acco
cuntbucket *an account. It is quite evidently the way this site functions. You are therefore complicit. Yet you take the time to comment, and the comment is a complaint about the way the site functions. Tory behaviour. I refer you to my initial bin reference.
cuntbucket I can see from your spelling that you are likely from the USA, so I'll give you a pass, it's probably not your fault.
cuntbucket One might think - esp. with that username - that if you wanted to take a moral stand about content ownership, the place to do it might not be in an unwinnable argument in the comments section below a post of some pretty little femboys getting reamed.
cuntbucket Super fun though, I'm always keen to educate the slow-witted among us. Byeeeee
femmerboi Where I might be from, doesn't matter nearly as much as me being right. Your problem is believing that just because this site exists, that makes it morally okay, which just isn't true.
femmerboi Do not try to make yourself look better or smarter than someone else, when you have lost an argument. All you are doing is making yourself out to be a "sore loser".
femmerboi Nobody was making a "moral stand" until you had started to give back your awful opinion, then at that point, I had already figured out that you were not mentally ok, and should not be able to post comments on this site.
femmerboi Do a favor to yourself, and everyone else here, and disable your account before you actually do any damage. Nobody here needs someone like you to argue with.
cuntbucket Yeh I'm the one that shouldn't be here. Me and the 190k people who have viewed this post, jerked off and left without complaining. You're the guy who visits a sex worker then calls the cops.
cuntbucket You immediately took a stand, it's right there. And your presence puts you in direct violation of your supposed moral code. Can you parse that whether or not your stance is correct is not the issue or do I need to use smaller words?
cuntbucket It's your hypocrisy. Everyone else here - the people you are supposedly trying to protect from me - managed to overcome any moral obstacles they may have, jerk off and politely leave. Not you though, you're special.
cuntbucket You have no answer to your plain hypocrisy so you claim I'm not ok, mentally. Totally reasonable behaviour from someone who is clearly winning an argument. I didn't need to 'make myself look smarter than someone else', you are objectively stupid.
cuntbucket By the way I reposted a bunch of stuff you might like, on my profile. Don't forget to leave a shitty comment on each one once you've wiped yourself down.
femmerboi Fine, you wanna play smart? alright, lets go by rules then. Me having an account doesn't matter, as I am abiding by the rules laid out by the site, of which you, and this post, are not.
femmerboi There are clear copyright rules, of which this post goes against. So please, go on, and try to explain to me, how people's own bodies don't count as copyrighted. or how the media they produce with said bodies, don't count as copyrighted, I dare you
femmerboi At this point, seriously, you can not argue back against this. Your first "argument" clearly shows you haven't read the rules, nor did you read the policies you were suppose to agree to. So please, just delete your account before it gets banned.
cuntbucket Oh cool, we're changing the point again because you lost. I wasn't sure how many more ways I could explain your hypocrisy to you to be honest, and you've done a pretty top job of absolutely doubling the fuck down on it, so congrats, I guess!
cuntbucket 'oh you wanna play smart', let's move the goalposts again, that's super smart.'
femmerboi Nobody changed the point at any argument, the only one changing anything right now is you. My original point was that the "creator" of this album didnt do anything, and that its against the rules. ive stayed with that this entire time.
cuntbucket It would be really, really funny if you think that getting me banned wins this argument after all the whataboutism/strawman bullshit you've pulled.
femmerboi We are now at the point where all you are doing is struggling. You know you can't argue back, and you know that nothing you can say would currently mean anything, so you are just spouting bs until you are eventually gone.
cuntbucket Such a shame the internet isn't a bottomless pit of jerk off material that I can plunder (and not complain about).....oh wait
cuntbucket "all you're doing is struggling", as you fail to muster any sort of response to your flagrant hypocrisy. Classic projection
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