Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t

 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #yBwsNAf6
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #JXIjbj1Y
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #Vsd7rhoA
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #1KeqKe9k
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #E0n5SQqi
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #P2QhWQy4
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #aqwgLESL
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #7fnm0FVD
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #oeugJEs1
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #JNnx2AUa
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #vrQYnKtq
 Julie came to Mike's apartment from Belgium. She liked to travel, but didn't have enough money to t #EZ66W6Hz

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