massage dick

#dick #hot #massage


[verwijderd] Bad boy!! I could lick up your pre cum
[verwijderd] Please blow a huge load
bobvajra OP :) Pardon me!
[verwijderd] Sorry I’m getting carried away 🙏
bobvajra OP No problem. do you like it
[verwijderd] Very much!!!
[verwijderd] Your gf is very lucky hope she knows it
bobvajra OP yes, we have awesome sex, it's a pity we can't be together yet
[verwijderd] Who ! You and her? Or you and I???
bobvajra OP I'm with her
[verwijderd] Oh ok!! You had me a but excited 😆
[verwijderd] Please keep posting your beauty !!!
[verwijderd] Awesome stuff especially when your head is wet
[verwijderd] ?
bobvajra OP OK. it amuses me)
[verwijderd] I’m glad I amuse me!!! Please go over the edge with a vid !! Make my day
[verwijderd] You couldn’t blow on my pic could you?
[verwijderd] I could post it !!! Would be so hot
bobvajra OP I suppose not. Men don't turn me on. And some women too )
[verwijderd] Too bad you turn me on
[verwijderd] You could close your eyes and use your imagination lol
bobvajra OP I am an illusion. image in your mind
[verwijderd] Oh well thought I would ask
bobvajra OP you too can close your eyes and imagine anything )
[verwijderd] Well if you ever get real horny remember me please . I would love to have you cover me
[verwijderd] Thanks
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